Why Freeroll Tournaments Are a Great Way of Improving Your Poker Strategy!
Freeroll poker generally refers to tournaments that do not have entry fees. The tournaments are usually run as promotions by the various physical and online poker rooms, Playtech’s iPoker and Microgaming’s Prima powered rooms being good examples. Although you will not pay an entry fee into the tournament, you can still win real money. The… Read more
What to Expect of Microgaming’s Revamped Poker Client
Microgaming recently released an upgrade to its poker client. This new software has a more streamlined interface and new features. Some older features have also been eliminated because they were not very popular with online poker players. This software update was developed to improve the overall user experience and also help promote responsible gambling by… Read more

Poker strategy takes time to master, so why not learn some top tips from the poker masters themselves?
How do you become a poker master? Well, it takes time and practice, and of course, a bit of luck. Let’s have a look at how the best poker players made it to the top, and what tips you can take with you when you’re playing poker. Supernatural or Strategy? Stu ‘The Kid’ Ungar was… Read more

How to play Omaha Poker and Nip Your Strategy in the Bud!
Omaha poker is very popular in online and traditional casinos. In fact, it is the second most famous poker game after Texas Hold’em. The rules of the game are similar to those of Texas Hold’em, except that every player gets 4 hole cards and not 2. This article will cover the Omaha Hold’em rules and… Read more

Casino risk management – loose and tight, but always aggressive!
If you want to become really good at playing online poker in general and Texas hold’em poker in particular, you have to learn the importance of playing aggressively! Adopting and aggressive style in poker doesn’t necessarily mean always playing loosely, neither does it mean being a consistently tight player. You will in fact improve your… Read more

Getting basic with poker – How to play Texas Hold’em and solidify your strategy!
Do you want to learn how to play Texas hold’em? Then you’ve just found the perfect article to help you get started! Here you can learn the essential Texas hold’em rules, as well as some useful texas hold’em tips that will help you achieve good results fast. Playing online poker is really fun, and it… Read more

To fold or not to fold that is the question – When should you fold in your Poker game?
Like the song says you got to know when to fold them. Folding may not be the most heroic thing you can do when you are playing poker online or at a table, but knowing when to fold is a key part in any winning strategy. It will also save you a huge amount of… Read more

Controversy During $50k Poker Player Championship
The $50k Poker Player Championship is considered one of the more prestigious events at the World Series of Poker, so there is no surprise that player’s emotions run high during critical all-in moments. Mix in one part bizarre floor rulings and you have a recipe for instant drama. It all started at table 360 during… Read more

2012 WSOP: Rule 88 Causes ‘Tweet’ Controversy
Every year, the WSOP goes through several rule changes that they put into place to try an enhance play. Many of these rules are necessary to maintain a healthy playing environment while adapting to modern life. For example, banning the use of electronic devices while at a table was necessary to prevent players from a… Read more

Your 2012 WSOP Guide
It is that time of the year again! The biggest tournament series of the year is no underway in Las Vegas at the Rio All-Suites. That’s right! The World Series of Poker is back and bigger then ever. 61 events will be played over 50 days of intense action. There are several changes this year,… Read more